Sunday, 29 November 2020

Remember Me???

This has been a lovely week in someways and a craptastic mess in others. Lets concentrate on the good things shall we?? Craptastic is a given and is what it is. Ok on with the lovely. I have had a week where people have been checking in, not just the regular ones but old school friends, old co-workers and people I don't hear from regularly have been contacting me to see how things are going. Its so touching.

I am the sort of person that has the best of intentions but somehow never seems to actually do what I intend to do. So when people contact and say " I was thinking of you" and they actually make contact I am blown away. It is very very very appreciated. I am amazed that I cross people's minds. Not to mention thrilled that I have left a pleasant memory for some.

I got my Christmas shopping done and most of it has been delivered to whom it belongs. Not that I have lots to do now but it is a  rush to have it done  Once we decided that the family Christmas get together may not happen this year, I changed my mind and I decided that I wanted the littles to have a present under the tree from me. So I plopped myself down in front of the computer and in 20 minutes had my shopping done and dusted. I would have bought local, I honestly would have, but I could not find the stuff I wanted and the free shipping and the "let us mail it for you" option local, so I went with what worked best for me. Little old lady on a pension has to mind her pennies. I will be locally supportive in other ways. So its done and mostly delivered. I could not be happier. I will still get myself a present. I do that every year but for now the others are taken care of.

Yesterday I could not decide what I wanted to do with my self so I started to sew together some squares I had crocheted from my scrap yarn. It will eventually make an afghan that will be donated or given away. Waste not want not!! I cannot seem to find a pattern for the Christmas fat quarters I recently bought. I want to use them on something I really love. I'll find it, its just gonna take time. 

Today I will  probably keep working on the afghan. I don't feel like doing much of anything else. Covid Lockdown is still in effect and will be for sometime I think. I am missing the warmer weather where I could have company come and visit on the veranda. Can't do that now so this round is a little moire solitary than the last one. This too shall pass.

So I have nothing more to say for myself. Well I could complain for a couple of hours but no one wants to listen to that, including me. Next week I think I will start to drag out the Christmas stuff and get some sparkle and shine going on around here. If I'm going to be home for Christmas, I want as much Christmas as I can get and I can get a lot of Christmas packed into this little house!! Stay tuned.




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