Monday, 23 November 2020

Lock Down 2.0

Well we are right back to where we were before. No going out except for essentials, no gatherings with more people than live in your home ( yahoo party for one!!), businesses are closed, its so disheartening. To be fair, those of us that live alone can pick a person that is allowed in your house but it has to be the same person each time. I cannot choose so I have avoided that for the moment. I'll decide when I have to. There is text, the phone and zoom so I do not feel I am isolated or completely on my own. My friends keep track of me very nicely plus I reach out to them when I feel I need human contact. Its working well so far. More businesses are offering curbside pick up so I have to get someone to get things for me, I can do it myself. Go me!!

Busy and the Carpenter called last week. We had a chat about Christmas.  Originally the event was going to happen at their house, well times have changed. While we have not cancelled the family thing for definite but,so far it looks like its a no go. Very sensible I think. Most likely we will have Christmas in our own homes and be safe. Thank goodness we got to get together at Thanksgiving, that was such fun and so special. 

I have been reliving the memory as I have been scrapbooking the pictures from that weekend. I spent most of the weekend scrapbooking. I have to say its not nearly as much fun doing it solo as it is in a room full of my friends but it was not a bad way to spend my time.

I also have to say I miss the eight foot long table I am used to working on at scrapbooking weekend. My little sewing table is a bit cramped but I made it work. Where there is a will there is a way.

I cooked again this weekend. I really love this smoked sausage jambalaya recipe. Its so quick, so yummy and its not beige!! I dined the whole weekend on this pot of yumminess.

I also spent some time knitting sweaters for wine bottles this week/weekend. No the lock down has not finally made me snap, I am making them for a former co-worker. They are a cute gift to give with a bottle of wine over the winter season.

So all in all it was a very crafty weekend at this house. Shocking I know!! But it keeps me busy and I so enjoy it. I am almost finished a little pair of elf slippers that are so stinking cute I cannot wait to show you once they are complete. 

Today is laundry and a bit of housework. Nothing too exciting. I may start a new quilt today or I may do some more scrapbooking this afternoon. Oh the options!!



1 comment:

  1. We also got new rules yesterday and they sound about the same as yours. I've been seeing a lot of Christmas trees up in the neighbourhood and in blogland. We're thinking of dragging all our stuff out of the garage rafters over the next few days.
