Thursday, 28 February 2019

Officially Nothing Happening

Ok first of all I am so over winter, bitter cold and snow that I just had to change my blog to something a little more spring like. Its suppose to be -33 tonight so I will have to go out and plug in the car at some point before bed.

Second of all, nothing productive happened here this weekend. Well I did get the sixth block in my 52 blocks52weeks quilt challenge. But that is about it. I spent most of the weekend on the couch. Too tired and too lazy to do much of anything else.

No housework, no laundry, no crafting, just my best imitation of a couch potato. I think I have cabin fever or I am just fed up, not sure which it is but that's what it was for the last 48 hours.

I had a "to do" list. I always make one for the weekend but this weekend was proof that I don't always pay any attention to it.

So since I did nothing, went no where and had no grand thoughts, I have nothing to blog about. Lets hope next week is more productive.


Somehow I forgot to post this, I wrote it up on Sunday and totally forgot to publish. Maybe because its such a sad little post. I really don't want to sound like I am feeling sorry for myself, I'm not. Well maybe a little but it will pass. Its cabin fever nothing more.

So I sewed up block #7 in the meantime. Row two of my bright little quilt has started. This is so much fun. I look foreward to each Tuesday when the new pattern comes out.

Another new thing is I tried overnight oatmeal for the first time. Throw some oatmeal, almond milk, sweetener ( I used maple syrup) and let it sit in the fridge overnight. Its very yummy. I will make it again but I want to add dried fruit, nuts or granola in it and make it even better. Pinterest has a lot of recipes. Its so easy, no cooking and you can eat it cold or warm it up if you wish.

Other than that its not much else going on. I have two flat tires on my car. That happened three days before payday which made me extremely happy. So I have been grounded for the best part of the week. The car goes into the garage tomorrow which is a blessing. I would have been less than thrilled with no car for the weekend. I need to get groceries and do some errands.

So that brings you up to date. Such as it is. I may even publish this time.


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