Sunday, 14 August 2011

Who stole the weekend and would they please give it back???

Just got off the phone with the Historian (oldest brother, the Carpenter is the middle child and I am the baby) A Sunday weekly ritual we have adopted since out mother passed away, thirteen some odd years now. This weekly call marks the end of the weekend for me. I am actually today a little stunned. I am not sure where the weekend went. It seems to fly by so fast and yet I did so little. I have so much more to do and I would love some days off to do it in.

I spent yesterday afternoon finishing an order for half a dozen knitted dishcloths. I also did double duty as I watched some of the eleventy million things I had taped on the DVR. (Nearly a Coronation Street marathon it was with some HGTV thrown in for good measure). The dishcloths are finished and ready to be delivered tomorrow, and with that Saturday was gone in a blur.

Sunday morning began with a lie in and watching episode 1 of season 4 of The Tudors before I even got out of bed. Minou snuggled in with me and both of us were just too lazy to get up until my back got sore and drove me out of the bed. Made myself the usual full breakfast and then did the dishes. I had originally intended to spend the day with the grandbaby. Those plans got changed so I read magazines, did some knitting, watched tv, went to a thrift store, washed tablecloths,  got a frappicino from Starbucks and lazed about until supper time when I got invited out to a local grill and bar for supper (totally unexpectedly) then got asked to go watch  a dvd. I got home, the historian called and that's it......... weekend over, and Monday is just round the corner.

Monday starts me back at making puppets, I have ten of them that  have to be made for the start of school so I had best get at them. One of the local schools has already paid for them so it would be nice to have them ready to deliver when the school year starts.  Its been a nice break but now I need to get them done. I also need to get cracking on my Christmas stuff. No rest for the wicked.


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