Saturday, 27 August 2011

Have I mentioned how much I love garage sales????

I love garage sales, I love thrifting and I love taking something old and giving it a make over. With that said I spent this morning yard saling with a friend and I got some bargains. Now I will share my treasures with you, whether you are interested or not.
The little straw purse was 25 cents (I could not pass it up), the milk jug will look lovely with a couple of peonies in it and the picture frame and brooch were cheap cheap cheap.

Oh look a basket, one can never have too many baskets. This one is going to be a work horse, living at the base of my stairs, holding things that need to go up and helping carry things that need to come down. Perfect for $1.00

This lovely plate is not staying with me, its going to a friends home. Its on a small pedestal and its gorgeous. Its just perfect for best friend.

The children's book has the poem The Owl and the Pussycat in it, my Mom would tell us that poem over and over. I can almost remember it by heart but not quite. A enamel metal lemon squeezer $2.00. Quilt squares, well upholstery samples really but I am going to make a blanket for the car out of them. Oh look, more baskets. These are going to be storage containers for the sewing room. I may paint them, not sure yet, at 25cents each they could not be left behind.

Short bread cookie cutters, a flower frog and an etched glass candy dish on three little glass legs

and last of all a table top barbecue.

I am happy with my purchases. I have some new projects, a little something for a dear friend and I had a wonderful morning with a friend. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday in my book.

I would not do this every weekend but once in a while is great fun. Now its back to the normal weekend routine on cleaning, laundry, groceries and crafting.

Hope you are having a fun weekend too!!


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