Monday, 27 September 2021

We Are Not Amused.

 This pandemic and the people that refuse to get vaccinated are getting right up my nose, on my nerves and are riding the ragged edge of disaster. Tater Tot's school has had an outbreak and he has been exposed of course. So far he has tested negative but still it scares the bejeebus out of me and everyone else. SO in order to protect everyone and do whats best, Miss Mouse, The Farmer and Tater Tot will not be venturing out here for Thanksgiving, Crap Crap Crappity Crap. I totally understand and I would never want them to do anything that would put them in jeopardy but that does not mean I can't be miffed about the situation.

Busy and The Carpenter called and we had a long chat. We realized that we were all on the same page. As much as we would love to get together, we decided its best to cancel this year and look foreward to another year. While I have no doubt that we made the correct decision, it doesn't mean that I cannot be having a childish pout about it all. I am so tired  of all this danger and the idiots that refuse to get vaccinated. I am over it. For all that will get me. There we go, Thanksgiving is up the spout for this year. I will continue to pray for the safety of all and set my hopes on the day we can get together again.

I have been making pumpkins because I have a few bare stair steps. I plan to make one more and that should have the pumpkin parade complete. I'm such a child but this sort of thing thrills me. I'm telling you my eyes lit up and my heart skipped a beat when the Banker mentioned the idea. I have no idea why I never thought of it myself.

Tomorrow we get the next Christmas quilt block pattern. Last week we got to make four cute little star blocks.

They were so fun to make. Some of the group are doing it all in shades of blue. I love that. Blue Christmas!! I half way wish I had thought of it but maybe another time. I'm using stash material to make this quilt so its going to be mostly red and green with a little blue included. I can't wait to see the finished product.

Do you ever have days where you question your sanity, I have them more and more. Last week the Nurse asked me to hem some drapes for her, No problem, It just that my sewing thread stock is running low. I needed to get grey thread. I placed an order to Michaels for said thread. At some point in that simple action, I just lost the plot, My first order (notice I said FIRST)

Do you see any gray thread? Well neither do I, One might as well make the trip worth while if you are going to do a curbside pick up so I ordered some other thread I needed, and some yarn, Well at some point I manged to either delete the gray or not order it at all because I did not get it and its no where on my order form. Crap

Why make one trip when you can make two?? I had to redo the order and go back again the very next day to get what I originally needed. I got some scrapbooking paper I really did not need but it was on sale. That will show me what is what.

I have moved upstairs in my continued "find it a home" project. I have actually discovered the floor in my bedroom once again. I would have taken a before and after picture but I honestly forgot. There is still a lot to do but it looks a zillion times better. So I have one guest room done, my bedroom about half done and the last quest room is a total disaster. Sounds like all things are normal here at my house.

I think now that my company is not going to be able to come, I will start some of the painting projects I have in the queue. I have had the supplies for a long time and now I may actually get going on it. Should  I burst into activity I shall be sure to  share the pictures here.

The Banker and I got our raffle basket ready to go this weekend. I think we did a great job. I want to win it.

We have named it S'Mores and more. Its full of treats, edible and inedible. We have just opened up the raffle this day. All the proceeds go to our local Safe and Warm Shelter. I hope the sales go as well this year as they did last. We managed to raise $400.00 last year.

Well I cannot think of much else to talk about and .I do think I need a nap. 



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