Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Nearly Brought Me to Tears

 Ok to be fair this day has not been the worst, nor has it been the best and I think I am suffering from a bit of cabin fever. That being said just a series of little events that did not go my way and I nearly ended up in tears. Big, fat, I am feeling so sorry for myself, tears. I didn't, I knocked that on the head and got myself together.

SO what happened you are wondering? Well not much so be prepared to think WTF when I am done. Here we go...

 It snowed last night, rain mixed with snow which has made everything slippery and had relegated me to the house once again. I had gone out two days in a row and I was looking forward to a trip to the photo place for my pictures. Being outside, even for a short time made me feel so good so havuibng tio stay in because if my fear of falling did not make me happy. 

Yesterday I started to sort old pictures and after going through three photo boxes that were crammed full, I ended up with a box and a half and a full garbage can of ones to be trashed.

While this is a great step forward, it leaves a box and a half of pictures that need to be sorted, organized and that thought just overwhelms me.

I asked my dear friend The Banker if she could get me some spray starch on her way to visit her Mom today. I thought this was an easy ask and I really do try not to over use the kindness of my friends. Well she went to three stores with no joy. I feel terrible. I hate that she went all over to get me something, I hate that I put that on her. She is so good hearted and I do not want to take advantage. I still feel guilty. I had no idea that spray starch was so hard to find. Not to mention I am sure I have some here in the house but I cannot find it. It was on my sewing table for ages but it has disappeared. This is the story of my life.

I spend so much time looking for things I know I have and yet can not find. I have spent most of my morning doing just that same thing. Forms for income tax. I was so sure I had printed out blue cross forms for income tax this year before I left work. I cannot find them, I cannot get into that account any more to get them again because I no longer have access. Instead I found a box full of papers that need to be sorted, file and destroyed. I need to learn to put things away, sooner rather than later.

I still need to get the tire fixed on my car, driving on the spare will only be good for so long. So there you go, nothing huge. I have all the paperwork in one spot to be sorted at another date. Its the same with the pictures, they can wait for another day when I am in a better mood. The snow and ice will go and I can contact Blue cross to see if they will email me the information.  One call to the garage and the tire thing will be a thing of the past. Spray starch, I will look on pinterest to see if I can make my own. Its all fixable and nothing is end of the world worthy but oh my goodness I was so close to a major meltdown. 

I still have not taken a picture of my finished quilt. I will do that soon. I am still working on the tablecloth and am getting to the finish of that.

 I made turkey stock this last week from a carcass Teddy Bear gave to me. She was going to pitch it out and I snagged onto it

A bright spot in my week is that I finally tackled the Tupperware cupboard. I have not been able to close the doors on it for much longer than I care to admit to.

I yanked all the stuff out of the cupboard and sorted through it. Out went some that is long past its usage. Tupperware gets permanently sticky when it gets old enough. Out went lids with no bottoms and bottoms with no lids. I recycled what I could but these to be trashed.

Now the cupboard in the laundry room looks like this and it makes me very happy.

So its been a few days of ups and downs. No different for me than anyone else. Thank goodness for my friends, for lovely chatty phone calls from family, I would be a lot worse off without them. 

Take Care



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