Sunday 12 January 2020

2020 Has Begun

Sp we are into the roaring 20's again. My new year started out with a case of the flu that knocked me off my feet for three days but it passed. I didn't even go for Chinese food on the Friday night with the no cook group. That ticked me off to no end but I just was not up to it. I spent most of my days sleeping and feeling like an over cooked noodle. Thankfully its passed

I have almost all of the Christmas dodads taken down and put away. Its no where near as much fun to take it down as it is to put up. Mostly what is left is the stuff that has to go into the basement. The trees and the outdoor lights and Frosty. The house looks colder once this stuff is put away. I miss the cosyness of the lights and the tree and the decor. Oh well I can get it all out again next year

The 52blocks52weeks project is almost at an end. I have enjoyed doing it. Its been interesting to see the other quilts and everyone's interpretation of the quilt. There are two more blocks coming out, extras if you want to use them and I, of course, cannot not use them. I like complete sets.

I have had an unusual weekend for me. I usually get up and run errands on Saturday morning, get breakfast and then come home to house work and projects. I have not gone anywhere, all weekend. It  has been bitter cold and I just was not in the mood to venture out. I made my own breakfast and brewed my own coffee. I really should have gone to Michael's for yarn. I have a couple of baby blankets to make and I should be getting at them. I did my usual thing of telling myself that I would go today. Well that is a little fib I seem to like to tell myself since I know in my heart that I rarely go anywhere on Sunday

So I will have to find something else to do, craft wise, this day while I finish the laundry and watch the last few episodes of  season 6 of the Blacklist. At some point I should make some soup for lunches next week. I have lots of yarn that is sitting and doing nothing, not the right stuff for baby blankets but it can be used for something else. I may knit some scarves for donation. Teddy Bear got me to knit scarves for her grandchildren this year and I used stuff from my stash to do them. Inspired me to keep going. I can make afghans too, for the women's shelter. Its win win all around. I get something to do, someone will be warmed by my efforts and nothing gets wasted. Its all good.

So I am going to go and root through a basket or two and find something to knit up, Make myself a coffee and then dig into Blacklist.


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