Sunday, 28 April 2019

Easter Time

Its Sunday again, the weekend has evaporated with amazing speed and I am staring the work week in the eye. Laundry load number 4 is chugging away in the machine while the fifth and final one waits patiently for its turn. Laundry was most important to get done. I wanted to finally get it all cleared up

I went back to work last week after 10 days off and a trip home for Easter with the family

I had a lovely Easter.

Early start. That is 6:45 AM peeps. I wanted to get there in good time

All fueled up

I headed off with one of my favourite horizons in my sights. You can take the girl out of the gap but you cannot take the gap our of the girl. I have not made this trip since Thanksgiving last year and I was thrilled to be getting out of the City and actually going somewhere.

It was a fun family filled weekend. A five year old, a three year old and a nearly one year old add the magic to the day. They are so full of life and wonder. They also get along remarkably well for being little and not seeing each other all the time. 

Tater Tot is so gentle with Sweet Pea 

Lots of stuff was planned for the weekend, 
Tater Tot and the Wee Girl had much fun making Easter cards with Grammy

Then egg colouring was next on the agenda

Then the main event. Egg hunts in search of the chocolate and the toys and goodies that the Bunny brought

Aunty lent a hand to help find eggs

That Easter bunny was tricky. He hid things high and low

They has a blast and it was pure joy to watch them having so much fun.

Sweet Pea kept a close eye on the shenanigans from the sidelines, next year she will be right in there with them

"dis is ma foots"

games were played, rules went out the window but a lot of fun was had by all.

We ate good food, had lots of laughs, absorbed the children's joy,  All in all it was a wonderful weekend. I stayed until Monday then headed back home

Back home to the regular routine, work and the never ending things that need to be done here. I could have happily stayed there. I am so grateful they include me.

No yard work was done this weekend. Its too cold and I am way to stiff and sore to attempt it. I always get this way when the weather changes. I just hope we do not get snow. Time to deal with the laundry.


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