Sunday, 30 September 2018

Come and Gone

Another week come and gone, Its Sunday already and the next week starts in the morning. Its been a quiet week. Slipping by quickly and quietly with not much to recommend itself. I am struggling to find anything to blog about.

I did forget to mention that last week I managed to straighten out the shed. I got the desk tucked into a corner where it will stay for the meantime, until I find a place for it in the house or I manage to convince myself to get rid of it. I also need to get the last of the wine bottles sent off to Princess Diva so that will free up some more space.

This week I really did not do much of anything at all. I finished the doily, its currently waiting for a wash and a starching. KitKat and I did our weekly supper but we went to her place and started to watch the first season of Animal Kingdom on Netflix. Its a money saving measure, I don't want to give up my social outings but I need to find some ways to cut costs. Pot luck is one way to do that.

I got the top sewn up for Sweet Pea's crib quilt on Saturday. Before I did that I had the most lovely sushi lunch with The Hostess. She treated me, which was very generous of her. We had a nice catch up over green tea and spicy crab. We managed to chatter for two hours before we parted ways and I headed home to the sewing machine.

I kept my nose to the grindstone, put Ozark on Netflix and did not come up for air until I had the top put together. Today I washed up the backing and I will start to quilt it this week. I also started to make the crocheted Gremlins for The Sailor and KitKat.

Laundry, soup making, and some general house work filled in the rest. Not a very action packed weekend. In short it has been a quiet week. I have not even got any pictures set up so I can post them. Never fear I shall post as soon as I have moved them from my phone to the computer. The few that there are.

I do not see anything changing much in this coming week. Month end will have slowed down so work should not be so hectic. I am going to try and get my "one room per day" cleaning schedule back into action. I like having a reasonably tidy house. I want to keep it this way.

Ok I am out of news, I got nothin'. Its time for bed anyway, so I will say good night.


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