Monday, 28 May 2018

Great News, Good News

Ok now that they have announced the news to the world, I can share the wonderful news too. Sweet Pea is here!! She arrived just a little over a week ago and she is lovely

She looks so much like her big sister The Wee Girl. They certainly used the same cookie cutter. She has a lovely name. It will suit her for her entire life and she is named after her grandmother. All round its wonderful. The Wee Girl loves her so far, wants to hold her, feed her and give her loads of kisses. It makes me beyond happy to see this little family complete. We are blessed to have these babies.
I can't wait to get to meet her.

So in between ogling baby pictures I have been working in the yard. I never planted anything last year and this year I was determined not to do that again. The yard looks horrible with no plants. So I emptied the piggy banks, rolled the change and got myself some flowers. This weekend I got busy and did some planting. It was slow going as the bending gives my legs grief but I did a little, sat a little and did a little more. It worked

marigolds down the sidewalk.

petunias in Mom's wash tub

a few pots on the steps. 

At least it looks like someone in this house cares. The bushes for the flowerbed across the front fence will have to wait but for now it looks good. I have enough petunias left to do the two pots at the back. I need to get some more hostas, but like the bushes, those can wait for now. I am pleased with the look of the place at the moment.

So there you have it , the best news ever as we rejoice with The Pilot, the Teacher and the Wee Girl as they adjust to the newest addition in the family. The good news is that I have actually managed to get some yard work done and I did it for myself. A long time coming but done by my own fair hand.

Time for bed


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