I meant to post last week but time got away on me and before I knew it the week was gone and I decided to wait until today. It was a busy week full of something and nothing. Like most of my weeks actually. It was full of No Cook Friday, puttering about the house and getting nothing accomplished. Ignoring the yard work and knitting.
I have a little something made for Sweat pea when ever she decided to arrive. I have another something started for her and at some point I will make her crib quilt. I am almost finished a little sweater for a co-worker, this is it at its very beginning.
I have one sleeve left to knit and I ran out of yarn. I have not made it to the craft store yet but I will.
I finally got my quilt going. Its been a while in the making but its coming along nicely. Quilting is my favourite thing to do.
KitKat gave us all a fright and had to have her appendix removed on last Saturday. So on Monday when she was already home from her big adventure, we, The Banker, Teddy Bear and I took supper up to her and took her and her cats outside for some fresh air. Its what friends do for each other.
My fellow is more a watcher than a walker which suited me just fine. So he and I sat watched while the others took a stroll. KitKat is back on her feet and mending nicely.
Wednesday was book club and then I had two days off. Turned my long weekend into an even longer one which was wonderful in my eyes.
I had taken two days off to start the yard work. So typically it was cold and rainy for those two days and I was forced to spend them quilting. KitKat and the Banker took my car to get the winter tires swapped out so the three of us went for lunch first. Lovely tea room lunch then they took the car and I stayed home to quilt. I quilted and basked in the glow of sticky toffee pudding. So yummy. I need to try and make it some time.
Yard work did happen this weekend, thanks to The Banker. She and I traded puppets for minion time and on Saturday I got my minion time. She tided up my front yard. Cleaned out the peonies and made it look wonderful' I had not asked for that but she did it anyway.
Then she cleaned out between the shed and the fence. Something I have wanted done for some time. This was what I had decided was to be done during the minion time.
Its a mess of weeds and raspberry canes. She tidied it up and then laid papers down and but the boards back. It looks great and now I can get at the wall to finally paint the last side of the shed. The papers should stop the wayward growth of all things weedy for a while at least.
She raked and trimmed and made a great start on the yard. I did my bit today. I managed to mow the front lawn and swept up the pathways. I am so horribly out of shape that what I learned from today is I have to do so much more of this sort of thing. Tomorrow I hope to get the back mowed and rake the front yard. On the up side this is the first time in more than a year I have mowed my own lawn. Not a stupendous feat to anyone else but it is to me.
Then to add some excitement to the weekend we had a horrible fire downtown. It started about six blocks from me and consumed some big old buildings. We noticed the smoke and the sirens while I watched The Banker do the yard. Later on in the day the power went out and next thing I knew the fire had moved to two blocks from my house. Not a comforting thought. No power, my cell phone almost out of charge and I was not a happy bunny. I was rather frightened to be honest.

It unnerving to know that you are limited and vulnerable in certain situations. I just prayed I could get the cats, get them into the carriers and out to the car if the need came. The Banker ( have I mentioned I have wonderful friends) brought me her Sweet Baboo's phone and it was she that got the stuff into the car. I felt so much better after that. All I had to do was the cats if push came to shove and if the worst happened I decided to leave the back door open and then they could make a run for it. None of that happened thank goodness. I can see this funny looking little house on next street over when I am in my back yard. This was too close for my comfort is all I can say.

So I now know the answer to that age old question of what would I take with me at the last minute. Well I know that know. I packed the important stuff. Got the cat carriers out and was prepared to go if I had to. Its so funny, my house is packed with things that I love but in the end its all just stuff that can be replaced.
Power came back on but did flicker off a couple of times over the course of the evening. I slept on the couch because I was just a little nervous about have to make a bolt for safer climes. In the wee hours of the morning I gave up and decided that it was safe to creep up the stairs and crawl into my own bed. I did not get up at the crack of dawn I can tell you.
Today has been fine. No sirens, no smoke, no endless stream of traffic up and down the street. That's enough drama for a while thank you.