Saturday, 8 August 2015

Breakin a Few Dishes

Its been a busy week. I managed another four days at work full time. I feel my stamina is coming back but like the healing in my leg, its slow. The Nurse and the Entertainer came for a visit. I entertained The Entertainer for a bit while her Mom kept an appointment. She is so easy to have and so fun to be around. We had a great evening, the a quick coffee with The Nurse and they were off home again.

 I was out for supper three times last week. KitKat invited Teddy Bear and I over for potluck, Then the next night, we three went out for cheap burgers and then the next night it was No Cook. I need to get myself organized and start to have these good ladies over to my house for supper. I have not played hostess yet and I have benefited from their good cooking on more than one occasion. Once the Banker gets back, I am going to have them over for a supper/DVD night. I have the One Hundred Foot Journey on DVD and we all want to see it. We also need to watch the second half of Outlander, so that is another couple of nights I could entertain. I best get out the cookbooks and start to agonize now.

I finished the quilt for the office raffle. I have to get the battery in my camera charged and then I can take pictures to share. I will now move onto either the Safe and Warm Shelter raffle quilt or the church raffle quilt or maybe both. I am working on the crib quilt for New Baby and I cannot wait to share it with you, it is so cute.

Some days quilting at my house is a group activity. These two are less than helpful I must say, its a good thing they are cute.

Usual day today, groceries, errands. I had several things I was going to buy this payday but I have convinced myself that they can wait or that I really do not need them. I need to get better and saving money and budgeting, cutting corners and making do. I do like to go out and have the odd meal with my friends so I need to be cutting back in other areas so I can continue to do this. I am working on getting control of my knee jerk reaction to "buy" when something is required. I am trying to stop, and think if I have something that will work or can I come up with a cheaper solution. I am sort of creative, I need to put it to work for me.

I FINALLY found a spot for the garage sale left overs. I got them off the kitchen table and into their new homes and its about time I say. I see somethings I missed the first time around so I have started a list for the next yard sale. The Banker and her Sweet Baboo will have one in the spring. They will have decided what stuff to keep and what to get rid of by then.

I was not in the mood to crochet or knit or work on quilts to day so I broke some dishes instead. This is the result:

I just have to leave them dry overnight and then I can grout them. The bird houses will live on the veranda and the star will eventually hang on the shed. If I ever get it painted. When I get it painted and get the stars on it its gonna be sooo cute.

So I hope to post again tomorrow with a quilt picture.


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