Saturday, 9 May 2015

Progress and One Tiny Set Back

Ok I said I would not mention my leg unless there was something major happening. Well, I have come to understand that this leg does nothing major, its the slowest, longest recovery in history but I am certain there is progress. (Usually when I think things are going well, it takes a shot backwards but for now the following is what I feel/know to be true at this point in time) I believe my leg to be infection free. It looks pink and healthy and if you ignore the fact that it has a hole in it, it looks really good compared to what it used to look like. Today I took yet another picture of it and yes my suspicions were confirmed, the hole is not at big to day as it was a few days ago. A few days ago you could have put a wine cork in it, now not so much.  All this is positive as long as the hole is healing correctly from the inside out not the outside in. Unless it is infection free then it can seal up and heal up and I can move on. Maybe Dr. Arrogant will have some good things to say this time when I see him on Wednesday.

I finished quilt number three. This one is an auction donation for my home church and has already been sold. I just need to get it delivered. Its called Calico Crossover and I am pleased with the end result.

Now I have three quilts made and three more to go. The next one is going to be just like this one only instead of two prints, I will use a solid gray and one of the prints. Its destined  for my office to use as a social committee fundraiser.

Guess what!! Guess what?? Ok I'll tell you, I did some yard work today!! Happy drunken monkey dance of joy!! I cut down some trees that were growing through my fence from my big maple into the yard next door. They had gotten out of hand so I attacked them to day with my trusty hand saw. I have now decided I want a reciprocating saw!! If I had had one of those, it would have been done in a second. OMG am I tired now. I have no energy to do anymore and only half an hour in the yard and I am toast. So I will do the rest of the cutting tomorrow. Soon I will need to cut my grass. After the trees are beat into submission I want to get the front yard cleaned up, and then the shed painted and then the mosaic stars hung and the flower bed dug up and then and then  and and......................

Best Friend is going to be here for a visit so maybe I can get her to help me a little. This is the year that I hope to get the yard done how I want it to be. The Carpenter has offered to but my fence in for me if I get the material. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I cannot wait to get the old one out and a new one in. This way I can be out and not have to worry about the neighbours dogs leaping the fence to take a chomp out of my rump. 

The Banker hung up my giant scissors for me. I actually had the perfect spot for them in the corner of my craft room. They are perfect for the space and are a treasured gift from a fellow crafty friend. She is the one who made my Halloween cat for my veranda. To hang them required getting onto the table and I am not that steady these days so I felt it prudent to have someone else to the climbing and the hanging. 

Slowly things are coming to order. The house is back to being fit for company, the great purge of 2015 is almost completed. I have the quilts and the puppets under control. They are coming along nicely, which means I am on schedule with the making of  them. Things are plugging along very well. 

The one fly in the ointment of all this is I have now developed a freckin' cold. I woke up the other day with a stuffy nose, muzzy head and the icky feeling in my chest. Every one said OIL OF OREGANO. So I tried it. I do think it helped with the heavy chest but my sinuses have sealed shut like contact cement and my head feels as stuffed  as full as one of my puppet heads. Crap Crap Crappity Crap. This too shall pass. Right now I am off to the drug store for even more medication to hopefully help me breath. Yeesh.


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