Saturday, 26 October 2013

Puppets on Parade

So this morning I boxed up all the puppets I had on hand and hauled them out to a neighbouring small town for a trade show. I started out being a little concerned because most of the people there are trades, you know Tupperware, Scentsy, Sun Set Creek etc and my guys are crafty things. The day started slow and then I really got concerned because I was thinking that I had done all this, hauled them out for naught. Not to mention I am was not feeling the greatest. I am thinking a touch of food poisoning but more about that later.
I need not have worried. I did a decent day of sales. Lots of compliments on the cuteness and I can never hear enough of that. I was also invited to partake in a couple of other sales if I was interested. If I had the stock I might think about it but I don't. I have quilts to make, the puppets need to take a back seat for the moment.

 I am inching closer to the long awaited goal of a new oven for me. I have container of puppets left over but I am not concerned, I will get rid of them. It will take time but I will get them sold. I totally forgot to take my camera but I have a pic from another craft sale that sort of gives the impression of what my stall looks like.I had some different puppets and the kids clothes were not there. Just my puppets. Aunty Linda's Critters.

Its work but it was a pleasant way to spend a Saturday. I came home and had a hour nap before I counted out my loot!! The Banker, Kit Kat and the Sailor drove out to the sale and give me some moral support. The Banker bought me lunch, I will say it again, I have lovely friends.

So I am not feeling great. On Friday I had hamburger at two different places, at lunch and at supper and by 9:00 pm I was seriously queasy. I will spare you the details but it was around 5:00 am before I felt I could function. I still am not 100% but I am ok if I don't eat a lot. I had lunch which was fine but it took ages to eat it and tonight supper is not holding any appeal what so ever. I am hoping its food poisoning and not flu, I am due to visit the Little Farmer Boy this weekend and I will be some sad if I cannot go. I do not want to give him anything. 

Well I think an evening of knitting and tv watching is in store for me. Don't feel up to doing much else.


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