Saturday, 1 June 2013


The lawn is mowed.........commence happy drunken monkey dance of joy. The rains finally let up, the sun and wind came out to dry it all up, my energy level kicked up a notch and I finally got the shed door fixed so I can get in and out (took all of three minutes to fix it, yeesh). Out came the lawn mower and the weed whacker and finally my place looks like someone may care a tad. I worked up the flower beds, pulled some weeds and swept the sidewalks. Tomorrow I am going to take some money I don't have and get some flowers.

Rather sad that two little potentilla bushes I bought last year did not survive. I want a little shrub at each side of my gate way and finally last year I bust out an bought two. Then they had the nerve to die on me!! Oh well I now have my eye on something else I think I will like better. My biggest complaint it as always, funds. I have so many plans. I would like to put new bark down around the lilac bushes, the landscaping timbers are rotting and need to be replaces, I want to replace the fence on the south side of the yard, its rotting and falling down even as we speak. I want to get some rock to but at the south side of the house, I need 8 patio stones to make a little spot for the barbeque. The list goes on and on, I want to finish painting the shed. I wonder if my bank book will ever keep up to my wish lists. For now I will content myself with doing a little at at time.

Now I am having a small break and then I am going to tackle the house work. I was yard saling this morning, only a couple of them, two friends and one charity sale. I got a cd/dvd tower for $5.00 that I am going to paint and put in my bedroom. I scored a neat umbrella stand at the charity sale for $1.00 that will look perfect in my entry way. Its not old but it looks antique and I love it. I will share pictures later but I have not had time to take any yet.

I looked around the house and I need to get some projects done. I need to get going to day, because today I actually feel like doing stuff. I have been ambition free for some time now that actually having the will and the energy to get some things done. Strike while the iron is hot !!


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