Thursday, 13 December 2012

Christmas Crazies are Here Again

I have not been blogging a lot for the plain and simple reason I have been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off doing an impersonation of the Flight of the Bumblebees and today it caught up with me. I stayed home from work today and gave myself the gift of time, time to regroup, time to step back and time to gather myself together. That, and the fact I had a killer headache when I got up this morning got me to slow down and rest before I went off the deep end. Its my own fault, I screwed myself up this year. I tried to  find another weekend between November and December. That through me and my timing totally off but its all worked out, I am feeling better, things got done, and I am thinking that I can hit the road in the wee hours this weekend with things under control and ready for my family Christmas.

Christmas cards are in the mail complete with actual Christmas stamps this year, my presents are wrapped and ready for nestling under Miss Mouse's tree:

Loot bags are stuffed with stocking stuffers. (We don't do stockings in our family we have loot bags!!) Baking is ready for scarfing down with nary a care for the caloric count of a single piece of yumminess:

Butter tarts made with currents (that bubbled over in the stupid oven which has a mind of its own and needs to be replaced, dang it), cherry refrigerator cookies, snackens, and candied pecans. Opps I forgot to include the lemon crunch:

See that dark brown edge around the otherwise golden lemon crunch, another reason why I need a new stove!! I cannot get the temp to behave, its either too hot or too cool. My three legged stove has got to go and I need to get one that works that way it should. Oh well, it still will taste just fine inspite of it being a little too brown.

Worked myself into a frazzle last night and now the only thing I have left to do is pack my clothes, pack the car, get gas, go to the bank, and I am ready to hit the road. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. We are haveing a breakfast brunch thing at work, I have a wine and cheese to go to right after work, then off to a Frank Mills concert, home to bed. Yank my butt out of bed at dark O'clock and hit the road because this weekend  its family Christmas time at Miss Mouse and the Farmer's place. I am sooooo looking forward to this.

Right now I need to go check on my breakfast cassarole I am making for the work breakfast thing I have tomorrow, found a slow cooker recipe on Pinterest that is rather good. I also need to dig out a bottle of wine to take to the wine and cheese thing, then I am going to curl up on the couch and nap for a bit. I will watch Christmas movies and stare at my decorations for the rest of the night and feel smug that I have things under control after all. I want to take it easy tonight as I want to be on top of my game for tomorrow not the draggy lump I was today.

I hope your Christmas is going swimmingly!!


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