He is cute isn't he? Of all the puppets I have made this little critter is the most popular. I think its because not only is he cute but his shell is removable. Naked turtle is a hit with young and old alike. Whatever his charm is he holds the lead spot amongst the puppets.
BUT don't give up hope, don't think I have totally abandoned the QUEST. The craft room was not completely ignored. Remember how it looked last night?
Well this is this same spot tonight
So I have made some progress but as you can see there is more to go. I also got the far corner of the counter cleared off but I did not take pictures. I puttered away at it while I chatted on face book with Miss Miles. We have not talked in awhile so it was great to catch up with her. While we chatted I sorted, recycled and destroyed my way through a mound of paper work. I can actually move the mouse for the computer now without getting paper cuts or being seriously in danger of being crushed by a paper avalanche.
Tomorrow night is NO COOK so I will be out and about and not giving the cleaning a passing thought. I will be back at it on the weekend though. I plan to finish the main floor this weekend. Then next week I can start going deeper into the quagmire that is my house. Hopefully there will be crafting on the weekend to balance out the cleaning frenzy.
Wish me luck!!
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