Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Like Water Dripping on a Stone

That is how I am feeling lately about mostly everything but first and foremost the dang yard work. I did a little more tonight. I look out and I can tell I did stuff but I am pretty sure a stranger would look at it and thing "why don't they do something to that poor little yard". I live in hope that like water dripping on a stone I will eventually make a noticeable dent in it. I need to get some plants , I had three perennials that did not survive the winter. Crap, now they have to be replaced.  I saw a pink hydrengia (?) bush at a local nursery that I would love to have but $32.00 is too rich for my blood at the moment. I have made a list (big surprise) of the plants I need, next pay day I will get what I can and go from there. Water on a stone, drip, drip, drip.

I worked on the sewing room tonight. I am trying to get it organized to the point that I have room to do some sewing in there. There are piles of magazines in there, piles and piles.  I swear I think they breed in the dark when I am not looking. I just sort and recycle a bunch and poof there appears another mile high pile. Blargh!!! One good thing tonight, I finally put away my card making stuff. I have been tripping over it for weeks now. This is one of my biggest problems, I am less than stellar at putting things back when I drag them out. If I did my house would look a lot better than it does. I have had this quirk all my life, its something else to work on about me, add it to the ever growing list. AND another thing I need to take care of in this house is that I have donation stuff all over the needs to be delivered to its proper places. Sick of stepping over it as well. I need to make room, create space, out with the old., etc, etc.  Water on a stone, drip, drip, drip.

SO the yard work has been worked on, I have room to do some sewing, progress has been made. I need to look through and deal with at least 5 magazines tonight and I will feel like I have dripped a couple of  water drops on that stone.

It is all a work in progress.

Toodles, Linda

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