Monday, 5 March 2012

A Fate Worse Than Death

My TV died on the weekend.  (Insert much hair pulling, swearing and gnashing of teeth). Well it did not so much die as it started to make this horrible, electric loud whine that made me think it may explode into flames at any moment so I unplugged it and then started a big old pout that has not ended yet. I am not totally bereft of a television, I have a dinky one in the sewing room but I miss my livingroom set. I was going to get a new one at tax time anyway but I was hoping that mine would last until the new came in. Not so. So here I am, day two of the tv drought, hunched over my dinky tv and pouting like the true grown up that I am.

I do not spend all my day watching the tube. I do watch a lot of it but its always on for company. I like the back ground noise in the house. I feel lost without it and the sound from the sewing room does not carry to the kitchen like the livingroom set did. I miss it. Ask me the one appliance I could not live without, it would be my tv. So I am sad and pouty and grumpy and seriously being a tad childish about the whole deal. I have money to go get one but I would have to take it out of my "Holy Crap I am planning to go to Ireland" fund and that is just not happening. I know me, I would not put it back. Best to wait and be crabby.

The weekend went as expected. I got the house into reasonable order. The white kitchen cabinets got hauled to the back yard, and I spent some time working on the puppets. The Hostess and I did manage to get out for tea on Sunday afternoon. It was a lovely little break in the day. I came home and made Hungarian Mushroom soup which in spite of having a recipe, I managed to make some mistakes on but it was still super good. Its my favourite mushroom soup. Rich and smokey with hits of dill and lemon. Oh so delicious. I could drink it by the gallon and I will neither confirm or deny that I licked the bowl.

Today was Monday what can I say. I have not done a Monday Moment with Minou lately but Herself has not been very photogenic these days so we are taking a break. Best part of today is that Ladybug's Mommy came back to work, part time at the office. We really missed having her there. Its nice to have her back again and it was really nice when she picked me up and gave me a ride to work this morning. Rather spoiled getting into a nice warm car and being chauffeured to work. Its a good deal, I get a ride and she gets to use my parking space. I like this.

Right now I think I am going to head to bed early. I am deep into a book I am totally enjoying, A Discovery of Witches. I can hardly stay out of it and I am nearly done. So I think I will pry myself out of the sewing room and crawl into bed and read until I finish this book.


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