Then on Wednesday night it was Footloose, the new version. Still a good movie and I am not one to look kindly on remakes of my old favorites. I liked the music in the first one better, the new version butchers Holding on for a Hero. IMO its brutal to have to listen to this slow moving, drawn out, painful, pitiful version, asidefrom that the rest of the movie was good. I could not say which I liked the best but if pushed I would go all old time Kevin Bacon on you.
Tonight I cleaned the kitchen, noodled on the computer, chatted with Best Friend, worried about why my hair is falling out faster and faster each day, did some mending and tried to tidy the craft room. I have high hopes that I will get the new sewing table installed in here on Saturday, after groceries, laundry and household drudgery (that in truth I enjoy doing). I may go see The First Grader on Saturday night. Sunday is booked with the Banker. We are going to breakfast, the really really big craft show, then lunch and then who know where our whims will take us. Friday night will be spent with the No Cook Friday Group. So the week has rolled by. Bread and butter details fill in the hours and next thing you know the time is gone and its another weekend.
I did make a major score this week, well in my little world it was a score. I got a lovely little vintage fishing creel for 2/3 the original price. I didn't even have to bargain, the man gave me a deal without my even asking.
Isn't it cute?? You can't tell in the photo but the little catch is a tiny fish. The handles on the top are intact and its in really good shape. I will not be using it to keep fish in, I see its future as a little work basket.
I was rather pleased with my self at my find. I have seen them in magazines and now I have one. Have I ever mentions how much of a weakness I have for baskets??
This weekend will also see the making of the bumper pads to match the crib quilt. I have 80% of the top made for the raffle quilt for the office. Its all good. I need to get at the puppets and I am going to get at them one of these days because I am getting sick of hearing myself talk about it. The people that have ordered them will be wanting them sooner than later.
I have a new quilt all planned out in my head for one of the bedrooms upstairs. It will have to wait until after Christmas though. I can't wait to get at it, its going to make a big change in the look of the room. Well I have wittered on long enough. I am for my bed and my book.
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