Sunday, 4 September 2011

All Done Finished

My kitchen floor is done, finished and hopefully I will not be redoing it for many years to come. Oiy but I am tired. Moving a fridge, stove, three cupboards, deep freeze and a hutch by myself was no fun but I can still do it. I am woman hear me roar!! I know perfectly well that if I had needed help, its just a phone call away but I have an independent streak in me that makes it hard for me to ask for help, especially if I can do it myself. I am more than happy to help someone else but not so good at asking for help my own self.

There is still the clean up to happen. The pictures do not show the major mess that still lurks in my kitchen. I am going to have a rest and then I will tackle it. I want it done because tomorrow morning I am packing for my four days at the lake. I do not like to leave a messy house when I go away. I love to come home to a clean and tidy place. I need to leave town by noon so the more I can get done today the less stress tomorrow.
This is the view into the laundry room. I have a little over half of a box of flooring left over. I am hoping its enough to do the main floor bathroom. I am not doing it for awhile though. I am having a break from flooring for now.

So now this is done I am able to go to the lake and not feel like I should be home here renovating something. I am taking a quilt and an afghan with me to work on. I have books, dvd's and cd's ready to go. I have invited Mommy and my grandbaby to come for a visit one day while I am there. I have way too much food and stuff to take with me but I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. So I am 90% ready for the lake, just need to get it into the car and get me on the road.

I will be out of touch while I am there, no phone, no computer and no tv so I will not be blogging again until I get back. I know a few people read this so I will be back by Friday next week.



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