It has been a busy week here at the old homestead. Wednesday night I hosted my book club monthly meeting. Nothing like having your friends in for a visit to light a fire in your tail to get the house cleaned up. You see in my head, in my fantasy life, my delusional self is Martha Stewart incarnate. My house is impeccable, five minutes in the kitchen and I have a mouth watering banquet prepared and everything is perfect. In reality, I am vacuuming up bales of cat hair, stuffing papers and junk into drawers and in a burst of culinary genius, after weeks of contemplating the menu I serve up cheese, crackers and a veg tray. Sigh. Some day my fantasy life will become more of a reality but until then I have wonderfully forgiving friends who are willing to wrap up in blankets, braving the chill of my house (in spite my running the furnace in JUNE!!) and said wonderful things about the food and the house and me. They are a fabulous, that special circle of women. I would not care to think of my life without them in it.
Thursday night I was off to a local production of Steel Magnolia's which was fabulous. I marvel at the talent of people in this town. Supper out at the local Irish pub then off to the play, not a bad way to spend the evening, in spite of the torrential downpours.
Tonight it was out with the No Cook Friday Club. There are a group of us that go out every Friday night for supper, then coffee, then home. We have great fun and for me it certainly beats sitting at home on a Friday night. I hate cooking on Fridays, the week is over, I am tired and cranky, and I just want to relax.We were discussing it a lunch one day and then two of us decided nothing was stopping us from going out for supper on Friday. We thought we would only do this on pay days but that lasted for one week. Since my farmer is still off in a field somewhere (will explain this in another post some day) I have to grab my social life where I can. Its a lovely way to end the week. We have a lot of laughs, lots of fun, good conversation and I really look foreward to it each week. We don't care who comes, anyone is welcome. Our group can sometimes just be two of us or as many as 7 or 8 people.
Now the weekend stretches ahead of me, two days of not being at work. I have the usual lists made, one for rain and one for no rain. I am also off to a Tupperware party. I haven't been to a Tupperware party since the '80's and I am looking foreward to it. Then in two weeks the Carpenter and the Organizer are coming to spend the weekend. A lovely birthday present for me. SQUEEE!!!! They have not been out for awhile and I am looking forward to having them for the weekend. I don't even have a big long list of things for the Carpenter to do so he will not be worked to death this trip. All I need him to do is remove the dishwasher and put in a light switch at the top of the stairs.
Don't get me wrong, if I had the money I would have him working on the million plans I have for this house. My wish list out strips my budget all the time. Slow and steady, it will all get done. I have already done tons to the house and what is left to do will be done. Until that time I can amuse myself by pulling up the floor in the kitchen. I have a faux cork floor in my future!! Probably in July but its coming!!
does this thing work