Saturday, 7 May 2011

The TO DO List

I love lists, I make lists all the time, to do lists, to get lists, wish lists, accomplished lists, its goes on and on. Some days I think I need a list of all my lists. I could not function without them, they help me remember things, they keep me on track and  they give me a tremendous sense of satisfaction when I get to cross something off my list. I am even one of those people that will add things to the list just so I can scratch it off.

Every Thursday I make a list of the things that I hope to accomplish over the weekend. Its always ambitious and very seldom do I ever cross everything off over the course of the weekend but I do mostly get 50% of the chores done. Right now I am having a break. |I have been hard at it since 9:00 am and I must say I am kicking butt on my list for this weekend but Lordy there are still a lot of things to do. I may score a 80% on this weekends list. Go me!!

I am amazed at how I can let things slide. Little things that there really is no reason to let slide. For example, I finally put the light switch plate back up in my porch. IT WAS TWO LITTLE SCREWS people and the plate has been sitting on my kitchen counter since last fall when I painted the porch. WHY do I do this??? (yes, yes I do have a separate list of these little jobs that need to be done. Shut up.)

My biggest goal this weekend is getting at least 6 puppets made. I have two done so far and hope to get two more done before bed tonight. I am not only making puppets, I am managing to get my Angel DVDs watched. Multi tasking at its best :-)  I am just finishing up season three. Not sure what I will watch when these are done. I may have to find myself a new DVD series to collect. I may also get a hat crocheted for a very special young lady I know. She is patiently waiting for it and I really should get it done. I have also vacuumed, hand washed a pile of dishes, got groceries, went to a garage sale, swept the veranda, fixed the down spout on the  front of the house, and made stock to freeze for future soup making. I made breakfast, well I bought breakfast and brought it home but I did make supper and now I am blogging.

Well enough lolly gagging, time to get back to work. I need to great a coyote and a killer whale before I can sleep tonight.


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