Honestly, last weekend we had rain, lightening, thunder, sleet, snow the whole shebang! It was not fun. I, and I know I am not alone in this, am more than fed up with the crap weather. I mean I could deal with a long cold spring but do we have to have the snow and sleet?? I am yearning for green things, buds on trees and tulips poking up from their beds to meet the sun. One small gift this morning was as I looked out the kitchen window, a chubby, cheeky robin was sitting in my backyard. hopping about. Inspite of the fact that he looked a bit like he was regretting his choices, for me, he was bringing with him the promise that maybe, just maybe spring will come eventually.
Lets move on from the predictable, depressing conversation about the weather. I hosted book club this week. It was so nice to have the ladies here and to get together once again. It feels like its been forever. We didn't spend much time on the book but we did catch up on all of our news.
Two members were not with us but those that were seemed to have a good time. They stayed until nearly 10 which is a good sign of an enjoyable night.
I have had a round of cellulitis in my feet this last week or so. I am just done with this one thing after another. I am sick of being sick. I need a break. I need to have some time where I feel like me, where I feel like I want to do something other than sleep. So I am back on antibiotics