Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Feels Like Spring is Never Gonna Come

 Honestly, last weekend we had rain, lightening, thunder, sleet, snow the whole shebang! It was not fun. I, and I know I am not alone in this, am more than fed up with the crap weather. I mean I could deal with a long cold spring but do we have to have the snow and sleet?? I am yearning for green things, buds on trees and tulips poking up  from their beds to meet the sun. One small gift this morning was as I looked out the kitchen window, a chubby, cheeky robin was sitting in my backyard. hopping about. Inspite of the fact that he looked a bit like he was regretting his choices, for me, he was bringing with him the promise that maybe, just maybe spring will come eventually.

Lets move on from the predictable, depressing conversation about the weather. I hosted book club this week. It was so nice to have the ladies here and to get together once again. It feels like its been forever. We didn't spend much time on the book but we did catch up on all of our news.

Two members were not with us but those that were seemed to have a good time. They stayed until nearly 10 which is a good sign of an enjoyable night.

I have had a round of cellulitis in my feet this last week or so. I am just done with this one thing after another. I am sick of being sick. I need a break. I need to have some time where I feel like me, where I feel like I want to do something other than sleep. So I am back on antibiotics

They have made a big improvement in how I feel but I am on my last day and the cellulitis is not totally gone. I will call and get some more because I want this gone.

I will say that yesterday and today have been the first days in a long time that I have felt much better. I actually covered cushions for a friend yesterday. I have not felt like doing that sort of thing for a long time. I have been knitting but its because I force myself to. 

I love this material and it matches nicely with my new couch. I am hoping I can make a cushion cover for my recliner with some of the scraps. 

Well I should go and see if I can find something for lunch and then see if I can interest myself in doing some crafting. My cleaning lady just left so my place looks lovely and I won't want to do anything to mess it up but I am toying with the idea of starting to quilt one of my flimsys. Who know what will happen.

Toodles Linda

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Stop Shaking the Snowglobe!!

 We got our winter storm although not as bad as they had predicted but bad enough. I was so grateful that I was able to stay home and not have to go out in it. I even managed, thanks to Superstore and the Banker to get my grocery order a day ahead of when I had ordered it. This way if the power did go out I could freeze to death with snacks.

We had no snow before these shenanigans happened. I do admit that we did not get hit as hard as some parts of the country but it was still disheartening none the less. We are due to have more of the lovely white stuff this week. They said a long cold spring and I think this time they were right. 

I finally, finally, finally got into the green spare room today and got working on getting it organized. It became a dumping ground when Busy and the Carpenter were here working on the house. Its going to remain a bit of a catch all since storage is so limited in my house. It can be a catch all without being a total mess. I have taken so very long to get at it but today was the day and I got a good deal of it done. It still needs work but its looking a lot better than it was. As always it did not take as long as I thought it would. That always happens and I always insist on making a mountain out of a mole hill. Gotta work on that.

Here is the before

And here is the after:

At last all the pumpkins have been tucked away before its fall again and time to get them out once more. 

So the plan is that tomorrow night I am going to host book club. It will be the first time in a very long time that I have had them all here. Its nice to be able to invite them without having a panic about getting the house fit for prime time. I have a few jobs to do but nothing like I would have in the past. I am just hoping that the weather does not put a kink in the plans.

Not much else to tell. I think I will go and knit for a bit and then go do some dishes and dust. 

Toodles Linda

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Winter is Coming

 Blah and Curses!!  We are sitting here under the impending gloom of the worst blizzard in decades. Mountains of snow, blowing winds, no travel, stock up on food, power may go out, get your prescriptions sort of  blizzard. Oh joy! Our snow is almost gone and its getting easy to get around at last. This is disheartening to say the least, although it won't last forever. 

I finally stopped talking about it and actually went yesterday and invested in a new phone. It is huge compared to my old one. I am now on the learning curve getting used to all the new ways of doing things. We are making friends inspite of the fact that the phone does weird and wonderful things almost by itself. In time it will all come clear. I just wish I was smarter at this sort of thing but I am challenged in this area.

Some big things have been happening around here, I have started to make some solo trips for the first time in months. I can get the walker down the ramp at the back and into the car so I am good to go on my own once again. My first trip was to take myself to the podiatrist and then to McDonald's for breakfast as a reward/treat for the trip out. I had planned to get my grocery order tomorrow but I am thinking the blizzard will put pay to that idea.

I have also discovered that I can go out the front door, lift the walker down by myself and when I get home I can lift it back up the stairs myself. I take this as a great victory considering when I got the thing I could not lift it at all. I am slowly getting some of "me" back.

I made Amish Cinnamon bread or Amish Friendship bread last week. I actually baked something!! Who's a wild woman?? 

Oh yes its all non stop crazy fun around this house. Oh to be fair I am having a reasonably good time. Once I totally adjust to my new meds things should be back to being very much to my liking.

My cleaning lady was here to day so I have a nice clean house and fresh sheets to sleep in tonight.. She is a real treat and takes a load off of me as I just struggle to do a lot of what she does anymore. I wish I could still do it but I can't so I am adjusting to the new normal that is my life.

Yesterday the Banker and I went out and ran some errands, got my phone and then hit a lovey restaurant for a bit of a fancy lunch and cheesecake dessert. My treat as a thank you to her for all that she has been doing for me. A small thank you but a thank you none the less. I so enjoyed the outing. It felt normal to be going out in the world and dong normal things.

I got treats delivered to me this morning and it was delicious. A flaky lemon poppy seed pastry and delicious hot coffee. I do have the best friends!

Toodles Linda