While that is true in the grand scheme of things the time change that concerns me the most is the one that happens today. I have lived here for more years than I lived in my home province and I still cannot say I am used to the time changing. I am especially not fond of this one, we loose an hour and while it is only an hour, it makes a big difference. Plus I shot myself in the foot today. I usually change the clocks on Saturday night so when I wake on Sunday I am in the proper time zone. I forgot and when I woke this morning thinking "oh, its 10 am thats nice" in reality it was 11:00 and I was not happy. Oh well, nothing I can do about it, must relax and accept the things I cannot change.
This week has been strange. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday sleeping. I have not spent that much time sleeping since I was a teenager. I figure if you sleep until noon, lay down in the afternoon and sleep for two hours then hit for bed at 9:00 or 9:30 you are needing some rest. I was not sick, just really tired. Maybe getting some rest prevented something else happening. Who know??
Busy and The Carpenter blew through on their way to the airport and a vaca in Mexico. We had a nice visit and that dear brother of mine changed a light bulb for me that I have managed to ignore for two years. He is a good brother. They mentioned now that they are going to have some more free time, they may come for aa extended visit and do some jobs for me that I cannot do myself. I am starting a list even as we speak.
I went nuts on Saturday and bought a new stove. I need one. The one that came with the house is fine but its starting to go. Two of the burners only really work on high. The temp in the oven is a total crap shoot. Its got three legs and a peg that if you bump the stove it falls out. Across the top at the back of the stove there are lumps of glue. The former owner glued Red Rose Tea figurines on it. My new one is a flat top, self cleaning, brand new baby.I got it from the local Maytag place. I may have been able to get a cheaper one from a big box store but these guys will deliver it, install it, take the old one away and if it breaks down they come and fix it. You do not get all that from a big box store. It will arrive on Wednesday and in anticipation of that great event I did this

Now you can see all the leaves I did not get taken care of last fall, I feel now they can deliver the stove without falling on their faces. There was a good 8 inches of packed, humpy, bumpy snow that I should have taken care of when winter first arrived but I didn't and it just got packed and hard to walk on. Its not much to shovel so one really would think I could take care of it better than I do but I am me, what can I say.
Since my house is finally clean and tidy, I did not have to spend a lot of time this weekend doing house work. So I was able to get started on this:
This is the hand pieced saw tooth star quilt top that I bartered the quilting of it in exchange for another quilt top that this person's aunt made. I started it yesterday and its a joy to be working on it. It was a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon, I watched To Kill a Mockingbird while I stitched away. I have not seen that movie for a long time. I plan to work on it again today. I did a bit before I had to go out and get cat food and litter, then I did the shoveling, now I am ready to get quilting again. I still have the litter box to deal with but other than that there is nothing inbetween me and some stitch time. I may even get to squeeze a nap in there someplace. I have some shows PVR'd so I can watch and stitch and enjoy. I am thinking nap first though. Shoveling snow kicks it out of me.